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Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.14 – Best WordPress Permalink Plugin Free


Permalink Manager In favour of is the most advanced until no user-sociable permalink Plugin for WordPress. With Permalink Handler Pro you can easily control all your permalinks for your posts, pages, custom post types, categories, tags, custom taxonomies and WooCommerce depot. Information technology testament as wel help you furbish up permalinks OR replace any watchword in your Uniform resource locator with conscionable a few clicks.

Permalinks are wont to link to a specific blog or forum post, to a substance abuser profile on social network. A diarrhetic link sometimes contains a lot of service selective information (school term number, current plane section of the site, etc.). Permanent golf links are much concise, easy to read, and hold back exclusive the entropy to go to the desired page.


Features Permalink Manager Pro
Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.14 – Best WordPress Permalink Plugin 3
  • Customize WooCommmerce permalinks
  • Tailor-made post types &ere; taxonomy permalinks
  • Blue-pencil multiple permalinks at once
  • Automatically redirect old permalinks
  • Add custom Fields to WordPress permalinks
  • Repeat permalinks slugs

Changelog Permalink Managing director Pro – Superfine WordPress Permalink Plugins Nulled Unhampered

                      = v2.2.14 (October 20, 2021) =            * Enhancement - Improvements for Gutenberg Editor * Dev - Tippy.js (by atomiks) updated to version 6.3.2 * Fix - From now on, the exploiter role chosen in "URI Editor character capability" is respected in "Flying Edit" box hooks (rumored by @lozeone) * Dev - Further security improvements inside WP-Admin dashboard (reported by Vlad Vector)                  
= v2.2.13 (September 20, 2021) = * Dev - Minor security improvements interior WP-Admin dashboard * Fix - Let canonical redirect for default language if "Hide URL terminology information for default on language" is horny in Polylang settings * Enhancement - New settings field - "Primary category support" * Enhancement - "Pull out 404 on not-existing pagination pages" works now with archive pages                      = v2.2.12 (Honorable 17, 2021) =          * Dev - Rising filters added - 'permalink_manager_excluded_post_ids' & 'permalink_manager_excluded_term_ids'          * Dev - Additional peanut changes in the codebase          * Ready - Canonical permalinks for blog paging is straightaway right filtered (if Yoast SEO is used)          * Fix - Better support for 'clubby' posts & pages                                    = v2.2.11 (June 24, 2021) =                    * Fix - The affair that automatically removes the broken URIs is no longer triggered when WP Rocket salad is turned on and non-logged-in user tries to access the broken URL.        
                      = v2.2.10 (June 7, 2021) =                    * Sweetening - New settings field - "Copy query parameters to airt target URL" &A; "Extra redirects (aliases)"          * Enhancement - UI improvements in settings subdivision          * Dev - Improved support for WPML's Classical Translation Editor          * Dev - Additional minor changes in the codebase        
                      = v2.2.9.9 (26/04/2021) =                    * Fix - Hotfix for AMP WP integration        
                      = v2.2.9.7 (11/03/2021) =                    * Enhancement - Support for WooCommerce CSV Product Importer/Exporter added          * Enhancement - Better bread and butter for relationship field (ACF)          * Fix - The custom redirects are now case-unaffected        
                      = v2.2.9.6 =                    * Locating - Hotfix for WooCommerce coupon related functions        
                      = v2.2.9.5 =                    * Fix - The custom permalink is generated properly if the cartesian product is duplicated in WooCommerce dashboard          * Enhancement - Modern settings field - "Exclude drafts"          * Enhancement - Minor code improvements        
                      = v2.2.9.4 =                    * Bushel - The oral communicatio prefix for default option lyric is forthwith added once again when "Use directory for default option language" mode is overturned on in WPML settings ("Language URL format")        
                      = =                    * Fix - The customs permalinks are straightaway reclaimed correctly for new posts with 'wp_insert_post' thieve          * Fix - The custom-made permalinks are deleted when 'delete_post' hook is called          * Fix - WPML - words switcher along posts (blog) Thomas Nelson Page works correctly straight off          * Fixing - WooCommerce Subscription - the switch subscription URL is no yearner overwritten          * Kettle of fish - The URLs with duplicated trailing slashes are now redirected to the canonic permalink          * Enhancement - Basic support for Final Member plugin added          * Enhancement - UI improvements          * Enhancement - New percolate added - 'permalink_manager_control_trailing_slashes'        
                      = v2.2.9.2 =                    * Dev | Improvements for Permalink_Manager_Core_Functions::control_trailing_slashes() function          * Dev | Minor codebase improvements          * Pay off | Hotfix for "Automatically fix disorganised URIs" function          * Fix | Underscores are now by default allowed in the custom permalinks          * Enhancement | Better support for GeoDirectory plugin          * Fix | 'permalink_manager_allow_new_post_uri' & 'permalink_manager_allow_update_post_uri' filter replaced 'permalink_manager_new_post_uri_{$post_object->post_type}' and 'permalink_manager_update_post_uri_{$post->post_type}'        
          * Hotfix for 'redirect_canonical' use (causing a redirect loop)          * The custom canonical permalink rigid with Yoast SEO is now no thirster overwriten          * The custom permalinks are no thirster saved if the post/condition has no title          * Hotfix for Gutenberg kin JS errors          * Hotfix for Groundhogg plugin          * Hotfix for "Customize" admin bar carte du jour link          * Hotfix for WPML's language whipper on posts page          * Hotfixes for WP 5.5 - web log/posts page + draft template is instantly loaded correctly          * Tracking lash redirect code adjustments          * Added support for GeoDirectory plugin        

Instructions to remove product slugs and product-category without using plugins

Remove the word product in the path

          /* * Cipher Remove /product/ or /shop/ ... that supports the %product_cat% format * Replace /shop/ with your current slug */ function devvn_remove_slug( $post_link, $post ) {     if ( !in_array( get_post_type($post), array( 'product' ) ) || 'publish' != $post->post_status ) {         riposte $post_link;     }     if('merchandise' == $post->post_type){         $post_link = str_replace( '/cua-hang/', '/', $post_link ); //Replace patronize with your current slug     }other{         $post_link = str_replace( '/' . $post->post_type . '/', '/', $post_link );     }     return $post_link; } add_filter( 'post_type_link', 'devvn_remove_slug', 10, 2 ); /*Fix 404 erroneousness after removing cartesian product slug Beaver State shop*/ function devvn_woo_product_rewrite_rules($dash = false) {     round $wp_post_types, $wpdb;     $siteLink = esc_url(home_url('/'));     foreach ($wp_post_types as $character=>$custom_post) {         if($type == 'product'){             if ($custom_post->_builtin == false) {                 $querystr = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.post_name, {$wpdb->posts}.ID                             FROM {$wpdb->posts}                              WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'print'                              AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = '{$character}'";                 $posts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);                 foreach ($posts as $post) {                     $current_slug = get_permalink($post->ID);                     $base_product = str_replace($siteLink,'',$current_slug);                     add_rewrite_rule($base_product.'?$', "index number.php?{$custom_post->query_var}={$office->post_name}", 'top');                                         add_rewrite_rule($base_product.'comment-paginate-([0-9]{1,})/?$', 'index.php?'.$custom_post->query_var.'='.$spot->post_name.'&cpage=$matches[1]', 'high');                     add_rewrite_rule($base_product.'(?:eat/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$', 'index.php?'.$custom_post->query_var.'='.$post->post_name.'&feed=$matches[1]','top');                 }             }         }     }     if ($blink == true)         flush_rewrite_rules(false); } add_action('init', 'devvn_woo_product_rewrite_rules'); /*Fix error when creating hot product 404*/ function devvn_woo_new_product_post_save($post_id){     global $wp_post_types;     $post_type = get_post_type($post_id);     foreach ($wp_post_types as $type=>$custom_post) {         if ($custom_post->_builtin == faithlessly &adenosine monophosphate;& $type == $post_type) {             devvn_woo_product_rewrite_rules(unfeigned);         }     } } add_action('wp_insert_post', 'devvn_woo_new_product_post_save');        

Withdraw the word product-category in the path

/* * Withdraw          product-category          in URL * Replace          product-category with your current sluggard. Default is          product-class          */ add_filter( 'term_link', 'devvn_product_cat_permalink', 10, 3 ); subprogram devvn_product_cat_permalink( $url, $term, $taxonomy ){     switch ($taxonomy):         case 'product_cat':             $taxonomy_slug = 'product-category'; //Substitute it with your current slug. Default is            product-family          if(strpos($url, $taxonomy_slug) === FALSE) shift;             $url = str_replace('/' . $taxonomy_slug, '', $url);             break;     endswitch;     takings $url; } // Add our custom product cat rewrite rules subprogram devvn_product_category_rewrite_rules($flash = false) {     $terms = get_terms( regalia(         'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',         'post_type' => 'production',         'hide_empty' => false,     ));     if($footing && !is_wp_error($terms)){         $siteurl = esc_url(home_url('/'));         foreach ($terms as $term){             $term_slug = $term->slug;             $baseterm = str_replace($siteurl,'',get_term_link($term->term_id,'product_cat'));             add_rewrite_rule($baseterm.'?$','index.php?product_cat='.$term_slug,'upper side');             add_rewrite_rule($baseterm.'page/([0-9]{1,})/?$', 'index number.php?product_cat='.$term_slug.'&adenosine monophosphate;paged=$matches[1]','top');             add_rewrite_rule($baseterm.'(?:feed/)?(feed|rdf|rss|rss2|atom)/?$', 'exponent.php?product_cat='.$term_slug.'&adenylic acid;feed=$matches[1]','top');         }     }     if ($instant == true)         flush_rewrite_rules(false); } add_action('init', 'devvn_product_category_rewrite_rules');  /*Fix error when creating virgin taxonomy 404*/ add_action( 'create_term', 'devvn_new_product_cat_edit_success', 10, 2 ); function devvn_new_product_cat_edit_success( $term_id, $taxonomy ) {     devvn_product_category_rewrite_rules(dead on target); }

Source: devvn

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Download Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.14 NULLED:


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Permalink Manager Pro v2.2.14 – Best WordPress Permalink Plugin Free

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